Ajaxアプリ開発ツール「Google Web Toolkit 1.4」公開 | マイコミジャーナル
他のAjaxアプリケーション作成とは別のアプローチをとっているGoogle Web Toolkitの最新版が公開されました。
今回のバージョンアップによってGoogleの各種APIやGoogle Gearsなどを使いやすくなり、さらにコンパイル時に使用されていないコードを自動的に削除出来るようになりました。
From other Ajax application compilation the latest edition of Google Web Toolkit which takes another approach was released.
It became easy to use various API and Google Gears etc of Google depending upon the latest version upgrade, furthermore it reached the point where the cord/code which is not used for compile-time can be deleted automatically.
Shortening in download time and accelerating of processing became possible, with this so is.
According to Bruce Johnson it is the engineering manager of Google, “with simple recompiling with GWT 1.4, reduction and 20 - 30% accelerations of maximum of 30% application are reported from the user”, that you say.
In addition, various extended functions such as ImageBundle which collects the picture to one are prepared.
Actually however you think, that it is splendid, the Web application which was drawn up making use of this it probably is what?
by Google Translate
他のAjaxアプリケーション作成とは別のアプローチをとっているGoogle Web Toolkitの最新版が公開されました。
今回のバージョンアップによってGoogleの各種APIやGoogle Gearsなどを使いやすくなり、さらにコンパイル時に使用されていないコードを自動的に削除出来るようになりました。
Googleのエンジニアリング・マネージャーであるBruce Johnson氏によると、「GWT 1.4によるシンプルなリコンパイルで、最大30%のアプリケーションの縮小、20〜30%の高速化がユーザーから報告されている」という。
From other Ajax application compilation the latest edition of Google Web Toolkit which takes another approach was released.
It became easy to use various API and Google Gears etc of Google depending upon the latest version upgrade, furthermore it reached the point where the cord/code which is not used for compile-time can be deleted automatically.
Shortening in download time and accelerating of processing became possible, with this so is.
According to Bruce Johnson it is the engineering manager of Google, “with simple recompiling with GWT 1.4, reduction and 20 - 30% accelerations of maximum of 30% application are reported from the user”, that you say.
In addition, various extended functions such as ImageBundle which collects the picture to one are prepared.
Actually however you think, that it is splendid, the Web application which was drawn up making use of this it probably is what?
by Google Translate