via インテル、「侮辱的な」スプリンター広告に謝罪 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン)
ちょっと前に書いたIT Fun: Intel迷走中!?の広告に関してIntelが正式に謝罪したようです。
Intel's intent of our ad titled Multiply Computing Performance and Maximize the Power of Your Employees was to convey the performance capabilities of our processors through the visual metaphor of a sprinter. We have used the visual of sprinters in the past successfully.
Unfortunately, our execution did not deliver our intended message and in fact proved to be insensitive and insulting. Upon recognizing this, we attempted to pull the ad from all publications but, unfortunately, we failed on one last media placement.
We are sorry and are working hard to make sure this doesn't happen again.
Nancy Bhagat Vice President, Director of Integrated Marketing